19.1 Summer 2021


Parker Hobson
Brought to You by the Letter S
Miracle, In Progress

Susan Cohen
Hoop after Hoop

Katie Hartsock
Appearances and Realities

Jessica Jacobs
Ordinary Immanence

Cindy Hunter Morgan
Antique Sound

Corrie Williamson
Three Bobcat Day
Thinking of the Last Great Herds Moving like Storm across the Land

John Wall Barger
The Delight of Misapprehension

David Yezzi
Sheep May Safely Graze

D.S. Waldman
The Etiquette of Grief

Brandon Amico

Keith Leonard

Elizabeth Diebold
Vantage Point

Gustav Parker Hibbett
The Morning of the Flight
Upon Leaving My Labyrinth

George Green
Summer of ’72

Deirdre Lockwood
Get Home Safe

Indrani Sengupta
I lose my mother tongue like you would a comb

Emily Lake Hansen
In which I forget to check if Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow

Beverly Burch

John Gallaher
For the Dead Mothers in Disney Movies

Kelly Rowe
You Called on Christmas Day

John A. Nieves

Lisa Ampleman

Anne-Marie Thompson
Okay is

Jared Harél
Elegy for Recycled Encyclopedias

Albert Goldbarth
Mr. and Mrs. Music Critic
A Standard Unit of Measurement


On the Back Cover:
32 Post-Pandemic Poetry Collections
a list by Juliana Gray

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