No. 40 Winter 2023

Triin Paja Wing Diary

in the field where crickets sound
like rocking chairs

hidden in rye
is the western marsh harrier

her yellow orb-like eyes
and arched bill

imply claw and clamour
but she is a tarnished key

that opens the door of the field
the room we cannot fathom


the cries of the seagull:
as if she carries the sea with her

a bird as grey as remorse
in peacock dusk

when she reaches me
her wing-light covers me

like an eggshell


at first, only the wind
prying open the mouth of the lake.

then the crane howling
floods the leaf-floor

the crane, the strangest river
singing the sky-path

to the blue house
where we will sleep together

Triin Paja is a writer from Estonia. She is the author of three collections of poetry in Estonian. Her English poetry can be found in Black Warrior Review, Cincinnati Review, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, Pleiades, and elsewhere.