What Was Your First Concert?
My first concert was a red leaf
My first concert was waiting for a ghost in the woods
Or the tiny motor that runs your love
Once I was addicted to absence
Thief of everything green
Batting at nothing that’s visible to me
My first concert was a cricket in a matchbox
A chorus of masking and unmasking
So loud you didn’t have to think
Horn section swaying in sharkskin
My first concert was the treeline’s
sunset impression smeared on the mirror
of the river and the current a goodbye underneath
A song from memory comes on the radio and time’s
accordion squeezes in or the door slams
shut on the moment and everything goes white
I was singing along to stay alive
My first concert was a hammock swaying greenless leaves
How is it you make me want to repeat everything, everything
My first concert was seeking a second heartbeat
Unapologetic, undaunted by a missed leap