No. 43 Summer 2024

Eleanor Stanford I too had a childhood

A sparrow got caught
in the stove vent.
I had a brother. Then
another. My father
cut a hole in the ceiling to let in
the sky. To let in another brother.
My mother bathed us
in a tin tub in the yard. I was
a junior safety patrol. I wore
a florescent orange sash.
The radio said something about
hostages. Something
about the Shining Path.
We believed we were living
in a time of peace.
I looked both ways.
I waved the other children
across. Popsicles dripped down
our arms, the color of nuclear sunset.
We slept in flammable pajamas.

Eleanor Stanford is the author of four books of poems, including most recently Blue Yodel, forthcoming in 2024 from Carnegie Mellon University Press. Her work has appeared in Poetry, Ploughshares, Harvard Review, Iowa Review, and many others.