Start your AWP right with 32 Poems, Poetry Northwest, and Smartish Pace. We’ll have good food, good drinks, good fellowship, and, most importantly, an incredible lineup of poets: William Archila, Rob Arnold, Gabrielle Bates, Christopher Childers, Stephanie Choi, Mary Leauna Christensen, Meg Day, Beth Ann Fennelly, Brenda Hillman, Gary Jackson, Peter Kline, Keetje Kuipers, Edgar Kunz, Dorianne Laux, Timothy Liu, Casandra Lopez, Elizabeth Metzger, Wayne Miller, Natalie Shapero, Jess Smith, Matthew Buckley Smith, and Nida Sophasarun.
It’s Best New Poets season and this year 32 Poems is proud to nominate a pair of excellent poems from Issue #43: Jacob Boyd’s “Strophic Cascade [The woods you know.]” and Christopher Childer’s “There.”
We hope you’ll join us in celebrating these poet’s work.
This year, 32 Poems has nominated V. Penelope Pelizzon’s “Cliche,” Brandel France de Bravo’s “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry,” Jared Harél’s “Ode to Barbed Wire,” and Craig van Rooyen’s “Tenderness in Men” from 32 Poems #40 for the next Pushcart Prize Anthology. From 32 Poems #41, we have chose Keetje Kuipers’s “Cremello Horse” and Melissa Crowe’s “Always I’ve been trying to show you” to represent us.
We couldn’t be more proud of these poems and we hope you’ll join us in celebrating their nomination.
It’s always a challenge to narrow our favorite contributions from emerging poets to a pair of nominations, but it’s also a great pleasure to reread the poems.
This year, we’ve selected Diana Cao’s “Love Poem for Brood X” and Forester McClatchey’s “Alpine Meadow” to represent us in Best New Poets‘ competition. Please join us in congratulating these poets and take the opportunity to spend a little more time with their words. We think you’ll be glad you did.
Our latest (and redesigned) 32 Poems is out now to subscribers, and, folks, this one’s a beauty. You’ll find new work from Ruth Awad, Bruce Beasley, Victoria Chang, and Marcus Wicker, just to name a few. Head over to the issue page for sample poems and the full table of contents, and then order your copy today on the subscriptions page. We can’t wait to share these with you.