No. 43 Summer 2024
John Blair
Aubade for Ash Wednesday
Ten Thousand Starlings Dreaming
Gina Franco
Separation of the Part from the Whole
Vandana Khanna
Dear O—
Lynne Knight
The Hour of the Wolf
Nida Sophasarun
The Paperback Room
Violent Femmes
Christopher Childers
Dan Rosenberg
I’m not saying we’re good
Dan Pinkerton
Lunch Break Anointment
Jess Smith
Trophy Wife
Best Dressed
Charles Doersch
Playa Los Muertos
Jehanne Dubrow
“Tragedy, Ecstasy, Doom, and So On”
Michael Bazzett
Let’s Walk the Fields
3 AM
Richard Jackson
The Tides
Frank Paino
The Agnostic’s Prayer
Angela Narciso Torres
Love Language
Susan Blackwell Ramsey
Milk Tongue
Bobby C. Rogers
Substitute Umpire
Eleanor Stanford
I too had a childhood
Wesley Rothman
Seventy Years After the War
Patty Crane
A Slow Kind of Sudden
Jacob Boyd
Strophic Cascade [The woods you know. The woods are owned.]
Strophic Cascade [Between the storm inside and the storm window,]
Matthew Buckley Smith
The Soft Black Stars
Overheard at a Reading