6.1 Spring/Summer 2008
Dan Pinkerton
Kate Northrop
Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Monitors on a Boeing 757
Matthew Ladd
L.S. Asekoff
Alison Stine
White Fence
Ralph Black
One Bridge, One Whiskey, One Moon
A.E. Stallings
Kevin McFadden
Thomas Stemmer
Song to the Custodian of Dreams
Andrea Defoe
Crush on the Deaf Boy at the Rollerdome
Kelle Groom
Loud House
William Logan
After Sappho 31
Mary Quade
Elizabeth McFarland
Lost Girl
Lauren Shapiro
The First Law of Thermodynamics
Claudia Burbank
This Day
T. Zachary Cotler
Curing Death
Alexandra Teague
Nose Bleeds
Ann Fisher-Wirth
The Landscape, Too, Lacks Nothing
Randall Stiffler
Getting Out of Bed
Moira Egan
Bar Napkin Sonnet #17
Jeffrey Thomson
What Is the State of Poetry Today?
Kathi Morrison-Taylor
Apology for the Moon in a Poem
Richard Newman
Dog Days
Reb Livingston
Diminished Prophecy 1:1
Frederick Smock
Of Milosz
Maggie Glover
Night Night: A Play in One Act
Temple Cone
A Psalm Before Healing
G.C. Waldrep
Your Bollywood Obsession
Rosemary Winslow
Sunday Morning Near Concord
Jeannine Hall Gailey
Yume (The Dream)
32 New Sports. Diversions. Hobbies.