4.2 Fall/Winter 2006
Amit Majmudar
American Amorobotics, Inc.
Daniel Groves
A Trophy
William Thompson
Why I Write Short Poems
Greg Williamson
Easter Island
Lisa Russ Spaar
Going to Bed
Matt O’Donnell
Bernadette Geyer
The Problem with Describing Night
A Condensed Biography of My Muse Loosely Based on Conjecture
J.E. Pitts
In the Amish Orchard
Stephen Graham Jones
Lydia Davis
Getting Better
Two Types
Katie Umans
Averill Curdy
The Preservation of Meat
Northwest Passage
Steven D. Schroeder
From the Margins
Christopher Cessac
Ovid, Michigan
Katie Chaple
31st Birthday, a Partial Death
Emily Walter
Stop Request
Kelli Russell Agodon
You Ask Why I Write about Death and Poetry
Amanda Auchter
Ash Wednesday
Andrea Hollander Budy
Tiny Spider in the Bathroom Sink
Jacqueline Kolosov
Victorian Hyacinths
Sebastian Matthews
Fake Flowers
Barbara J. Orton
Genevieve Kaplan
The Crows
Frank Matagrano
Allowing the Body to Finally Speak
Gregory Fraser
Terese Coe
Pet Resumé
James Arthur
The Sympathy of Angels