18.2 Winter 2020
Leah Silvieus
Correcting the Heart
Contrapuntal Elegy
Sarah Colón
Quinn Lewis
The River Ex
Colby Cotton
The Hounds
David Kirby
Van Gogh
The Thing with Feathers
Dan Albergotti
The Fall of a Turtle
Jacqueline Osherow
XI. Shanghai Taxi
XVI. (Epilogue, Back Home)
Sarah Green
Blueberries for Sal
Jim Whiteside
Blueprints for Future Homes
Michael M. Weinstein
Blue Screen Pastoral
Maria Zoccola
Hayden Saunier
What We Make Looks Just Like Us
Sebastián Hasani Páramo
My Father’s Advice
My Father’s Song
Brian Brodeur
Parents of Middle Aged Children
Emma Aylor
Dustin Pearson
The Breeze
Dying Aspects
Suphil Lee Park
In the Head Full of Dead Letters
Eric McHenry
Buster Keaton’s Car
Nicholas Yingling
Things You Wouldn’t Believe
Sarah Ebba Hansen
Suppose Your Body Never Failed
Max Heinegg
The Robin
Jason Barry
Nicholas Friedman
Beyon Reason
Paradise Is Burning
On the Back Cover:
Desktop/Personal/Ideas/32Working Titles
a list by K.K. Fox and Hananah Zaheer