16.2 Winter 2018
John A Nieves
Note to a Prospective Runaway at Bedtime
Amit Majmudar
Traci Brimhall
Oh Wonder
How to Sugar for the Atlas
Emma Hine
Mammoth Cave
James Davis May
After Receiving a Scathing Reply to Well-Intentioned Advice Given to a Younger Poet
Eric McHenry
Feel Free
Alessandra Lynch
makalani bandele
aubade: earl of harlem composing extemporaneously
Michael Bazzett
The Miracle
John Poch
Invasive Species
Sugar Land Barbecue
Bobby C. Rogers
The Decline of Print Journalism
Last Tenant in the White Farmhouse
Laura Sobbott Ross
Some Say
T. J. McLemore
Anya Silver
The Dress-Lamp Tree
Robin Myers
Maggie Smith
Woman, 41, with a History of Alzheimer’s on Both Sides of Her Family
Gina Franco
Tokens, So Faint and Broken, of a Superintending Design
Whirlwinds Tell Me Lies in Many Voices
Adam Vines
Prayer for the New Acolyte
Jihyun Yun
Scar Watching
Hailey Leithauser
The Cock Crows at Midnight
I’ve Been Busy
Katie Schmid
The Boatman
Austin Segrest
The Ice Advances
32 Failed Horror Movies for Poets, a list by Hailey Leithauser