10.2 Fall/Winter 2012
Peter Kline
Kwame Dawes
Just Play the Damned Piece
Rosalie Moffet
Instar and Eclose
Sunday Evening Meeting for Worship at 1435 Columbia St. Apt. 2
Traci Brimhall
After All the Lullabies Vanish from the Library
Matthew Thorburn
At Badaling
After the War
Kathleen Winter
Joseph Chapman
History of John the Baptist
Charles Wright
“L’Amor Che Move Il Sole E L’Altre Stelle”
Erica Dawson
Jungle Fever Epithalamium
Matthew Buckley Smith
Paul Dickey
Renee Emerson
What to Wear
Hastings Hensel
Winter Inlet Arrangement
Jenna Le
A Bruxist Manifesto
Noah Kucij
The Belt
Carol Light
Maryann Corbett
Campus and Dinkytown
Hannah Sanghee Park
Kathryn Nuernberger
Birds of Ohio
Austin Segrest
Coupe DeVille
Elisabeth Murawski
Self-Portrait with Quarry
Alexandra Teague
The Thirteen Club
Winchester .351 High-Power Self-Loading Rifle
Brandon Courtney
Corpse Flower, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Carrie Shipers
John Wayne
Matt Sumpter
Jeffrey Schultz
The Soul as Rooms for Rent
Malachi Black
Query on Typography
The Beekeeper’s Diary
Psalm: Pater Noster