No. 40 Winter 2023 PROSE
Featured Emerging Poet
Caitlin Doyle
presented by Sarah Rose Nordgren
Contributors’ Marginalia
They May Not Mean To, But They Do
Matthew Nienow on Esther Lin’s “Three Sentences”
February in May
Diana Cao on Felicity Sheehy’s “February”
A Wolf to Contend With
John Gallaher on Timothy Donnelly’s “No Small Task” and “Night of the MacGuffin”
“Wing Diary” Diary
V. Penelope Pelizzon on Triin Paja’s “Wing Diary”
Ode and Dare
Esther Lin on Jared Harél’s “Ode to Barbed Wire”
Skillful and Loving Listening
Brandel France de Bravo on Craig van Rooyen’s “Tenderness in Men”
Righting the World in Words
Caitlin Doyle on Lisa Russ Spaar’s “Little Humanities Carol”
Felicity Sheehy on Forester McClatchey’s “Alpine Meadow”
No Two Walks
Lisa Russ Spaar on V. Penelope Pelizzon’s “Cliché”
A Net the World Always Escapes
Forester McClatchey on Caitlin Doyle’s “Not It”
Trees, Mice, Cars, Cows—and You?
David O’Connell on John Gallaher’s “The Difficult Countryside”
To Brood
Todd Davis on Diana Cao’s “Love Poem for Brood X”
To Soar Among the Halcyons: Ryan Wilson’s Proteus Bound: Selected Translations, 2008-2020
Ned Balbo
Out of the Depths: Robert Wood Lynn’s Mothman Apologia
José A. Alcántara
Across the Span of a Linebreak
Matthew Thorburn
32 Classrooms
Seven Poets from the University of Southern Indiana
Rosalie Moffett