No. 39 Summer 2022 PROSE
Featured Emerging Poet
Lena Moses-Schmitt
presented by Sarah Rose Nordgren
Contributors’ Marginalia
Eternal Life in the Gauzy and Eternal Golden Hour of the Past
Jason Labbe on Rochelle Hurt’s “For E, Who Asks Me How I Loved So Many Before Her”
Your Very Eyes
Maureen Thorson on Gail Griffin’s “Geographic Atrophy”
Pretty Shadows
Robert Cording on Jennifer Barber’s “In Bologna”
Broken and Whole
Jennifer Barber on two poems by Benjamin Gucciardi
Fourteen Notes on First Encounter
Bruce Beasley on Marcus Wicker’s “First Contact: ATLien Observes Love”
Lena Moses-Schmitt on Victoria Chang’s “Agnes Martin, Fiesta, 1985″
When the Apple Drops
Sally Bliumis-Dunn on Ruth Awad’s “Hunger”
An Oral Cosmogny
José A. Alcántara on January Gill O’Neil’s “Clit Ode”
No Resting Place
Janet Jennings on Bruce Beasley’s “Will”
Notes of an Associative Reader
Peter Vertacnik on Ernest Hilbert’s “Vertebrate”
Signals and Noise
Amit Majmudar on Albert Goldbarth’s “Toast Christ”
True Reciprocity
Todd Davis
Sharing Is Baring
Ama Codjoe
When Life Becomes Mechanical and the Mechanical Comes Alive: Rebecca Morgan Frank’s Oh You Robot Saints!
Amber Adams