18.1 Summer 2020 PROSE
Contributors’ Marginalia
The Time It Takes
Austen Leah Rose on Grady Chambers’ “Thursdays”
A Window into “Later”
Danika Stegeman LeMay on Susan Hutton’s “Later”
A Letter on the Flamboyants
Carolyn Oliver on Jane Zwart’s “On Beauty and Being Just”
Genuine Drama
Ed Falco on Mark Cox’s “The Dance”
Grace Delivered
Steven Winn on Adam Tavel’s “Egging” and “Ode to Tissue”
First Words
Jane Zwart and Amit Majmudar on Majmudar’s “Last Words”
Sharing Grief’s Solitude
Emily Banks on Amy Fleury’s “The Summer of Small Boys”
I and I and We
Michael Bazzett on Maggie Millner’s “Consanguineal”
Out of Rage, Art
John Murillo
To Follow Where It Leads
Peter Kline
Lyric Investigations into a Genomic Poetics: Charlotte Pence’s Code
Sarah Giragosian
Poetry to Save the World: Claire Wahmanholm’s Redmouth
Michael Lavers
Ending with a Line from Marvin Bell
John Poch