14.1 Spring/Summer 2016 PROSE


Contributors’ Marginalia

Day Surgery or Toward a Big Unsubtle Ars Poetica
Susannah Nevison on “My Big Unsubtle Feelings” by Rebecca Hazelton

Actual Miraculous
Jessica Johnson on “I am the miraculous” and “My Environs” by Martha Silano

Fourteen Questions/Musings Provoked by “Where He Is”
Dan Albergotti on a poem by Austin Allen

Door into the Dark
Austin Allen on “Meant, in Time to Crack” by Stephen Kampa

Lineages and Lines
Stephen Kampa on “Tower Scheherazade” by Austin Allen

Angry Red Eye
Ruth Williams on “The Petty Politics of the Thing” by Kathryn Nuernberger

Steely AF
Chloe Honum on “It’s always the same party & everyone is nice to you” by Essy Stone



Poetry’s Radical Leap
Kai and Anders Carslon-Wee

Tradition of Transcendence
Kimberly Johnson

Reckoning with Our Hungers
Shane McCrae



Flux: A Review of Rosalie Moffett’s June in Eden
Matt Morton




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