11.2 Fall/Winter 2013 PROSE
Contributors’ Marginalia
Bassline Saudades
Wesley Rothman on “Saudades” by Tomás Morín
Off Highway 395
Shara Lessley on “Bow City” by Michael Lavers
The Quick, The Dead
Ryan Wilson on “From the Book of the Living” by Wesley Rothman
The Tar and Feathers of Daydream
Zachariah McVickers on “Saudades” by Tomás Morín
A Manifesto for Sensory Deprivation
Sarah Rose Nordgren on “The Abyssal Plain” by Bruce Bond
The Patient and the Volatile
David Moolton on “Dynamite: A Prelude” by Shara Lessley
The Physicist
Leslie Bohn on “Mileva Maric” by David Moolton
Earth’s Temple
Michael Lavers on “Iconography” by Leslie Bohn
A Rift Between Lines
Matt Morton on “Lake House” by Michael Homolka
What’s in a Nickname
J. Allyn Rosser on “Pig Fucker’s Wife” by Steve Scafidi
A Pilgrim Chaucer Never Mentioned
Lisa Ampleman on “The Apostate’s Addendum” by Zachariah McVickers
Christopher Kondrich on “Throne Switch Thrown” by J. Allyn Rosser
Connection and Estrangement
Bruce Bond on “How Humans Came to Love” by Doug Ramspeck
Full Trajectory
Tom Sleigh
What the Poem Requires
Randall Mann
Jumping Rope with Sidewalk Chalk
Mary Biddinger
To Cast Ourselves Backwards and Forwards
Rebecca Hazelton
Maybe the Poem Doesn’t Give a Shit
Gary Jackson
Who Isn’t Curious
Keith Ekiss
Metaphysical Courage: A Review of Bruce Beasley’s Theophobia
Luke Hankins
Quiet Devastation: A Review of Bridget Lowe’s At the Autopsy of Vaslav Nijinsky
Christine Kitano
Upheaval: A Review of Mary Biddinger’s O Holy Insurgency
Ross Losapio
The Soul’s Country: A Review of Patrice de la Tour du Pin’s Psalms of All My Days (trans. Jennifer Grotz)
Luke Hankins