32 Poems for Dealing with Covid-19
1. We Real Confined
2. An Empty Supermarket in California
3. Because I Could Not Shelter in Place
4. Much Panic is Divinest Sense
5. Stopping by Walgreens for Wet Wipes on a Snowy Evening
6. We Wear the Face-Mask
7. The Emperor of Isopropyl
8. The Asymptomatic Rose
9. Love Calls Us to the 70-percent Clorox Bleach Solution
10. When Man Doesn’t Enter Woman
11. Those Withdrawn Sundays
12. She Social Distances in Beauty
13. A Valediction: Forbidding Meetups
14. Behind High Windows
15. La Belle Dame Sanitizes
16. Self-Isolation at Lagunitas
17. Alabanza: In Praise of Doctors, Nurses, Custodians, Cashiers,
Sanitation Workers, Pharmacists …
18. Not Waving But Distancing
19. From the Atlas of a Disinfected World
20. Divergence of the Twain
21. Anecdote of the Jar of Elderberry-Zinc Lozenges
22. Church Not Going
23. My Costco, My Costco!
24. Fever 103 with Dry Cough
25. When TP Last in the Thriftway Stacked
26. In response to a rumor that the oldest whorehouse in Wheeling,
West Virginia has been quarantined
27. Home Life, Friends, Is Boring
28. The River Merchant’s Wife Writes Her Husband To Stay Put
29. 187 Reasons Humans Can’t Sneeze Except into a Tissue or Mask
30. Not Even the Rain Has Such Sterile Gloves
31. Rondeau After a Transatlantic Contagion
32. I, too, disinfect it
—Hailey Leithauser and Martha Silano