No. 39 Summer 2022

Lena Moses-Schmitt Dear Future Me (#11)

You are a character
made entirely of desire.
I don’t want a car
or a career or even a house
with a flight of stairs
I would like to live, though.
The most unattainable commodity: a plot
with no last page. You’re very abstract.
Blue growths and blue fields
on a canvas. Of Joan Mitchell’s
Les Bluets, Lydia Davis wrote
that in her confrontation of
marks seemingly without symbol,
she understood she couldn’t understand.
And that was a revelation.
When I look at the painting I think
I’m seeing Mitchell
as she builds her own seeing,
closely and carefully, trial
and error. Which is how I make
myself. Reanimating
a memory by moving
back & forth over it until
the familiar accumulates
into the unrecognizable.
You’ll probably never meet me.
We never see
the same thing twice.

Lena Moses-Schmitt is a writer and artist. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Best New Poets, The Believer, Diagram, Indiana Review, Ninth Letter, The Rumpus, Yale Review, and elsewhere. She lives in Berkeley, California.