15.1 Spring/Summer 2017

Jessica Jacobs On Our Nightly Walk, She Takes My Hand


Across the dark street, the dance studio
is a brilliant lamp, a Cornell box

set to music and motion: girls hold each other
in swaying pas de deux, a phrase

first translated for me as piece of God.
That’s wrong, of course,

but not entirely. For what is it to move in time
with another, to acknowledge and learn

a body beside your own—the dancing apart
and the final coming back

together—what is this if not some kind
of grace, some human-sized serving of God?

Jessica Jacobs is the author of Pelvis with Distance and the chapbook In Whatever Light Left to Us. Her second full-length collection, Take Me With You, Wherever You’re Going, is forthcoming from Four Way Books in 2019. She lives in Asheville with her wife, the poet Nickole Brown.


*Read Virginia Konchan’s response to “On Our Nightly Walk, She Take My Hand” in our Contributors’ Marginalia series.