Elegy as Insistence: Bulls in a Field
There is only morning it shimmers
and shifts into bodies into beasts
into the man sleeping now waking in the damp grass
a jar of ashes at his side and the bulls still running loose though tired
inside his skull they ram here and there against its walls
as last night’s star-smeared sky spreads clean now and flat over him
jar in hand he walks toward the spring creek
its water draws a cold thrill through the meadow
and the bulls groan dark from their anvil heads
as he wades knee-deep into the current
he remembers the ashes back into his sister when she told him
loss is no more one thing than the sky is one thing
the pasture behind her eyes lay wide and empty
and looked like a place he could sleep
he tips the jar and lets the ash fall into the stream and the cold
rolls over in its bed over over
until she’s neither ash nor water
the stars the stars the bulls low behind his eyes
he forgets about the stream and the meadow
and nothing could be so empty as the jar in his hands