32 Failed Horror Movies for Poets
1. Love Calls Us to the Thing from Another World
2. Dearest Creature of the Black Lagoon
3. The Invasion of the John Brown’s Body-Snatchers
4. The Blair Witch of Coos
5. What Do Swamp Women Want
6. The Filling Infestation
7. Die, Die My Darling Buds of May
8. The Truth the Undead Know
9. No Man is an Island of Doctor Moreau
10. The Attack of the 50-Foot Woman Lovely in Her Bones
11. For the Union Dawn of the Dead
12. Rosemary’s Baby Song of the Four Winds
13. In Reference to Her Children of the Corn
14. Thirteen Ways of Looking at The Birds
15. It Sleeps with Boa
16. Jenny Kissed Me Deadly
17. She-Wolf of London Thoroughfare 2 A.M.
18. Elegy for John Whiteside’s Daughter of Dracula
19. The Bean Brain-Eaters
20. The House on Haunted Fern Hill
21. The Fairie Queene of Outer Space
22. The Return of the Rape Joker
23. Silence of the Lamb, Who Made Thee?
24. The Farmer’s Bride of the Atom
25. The Lovely Bones Collector
26. The Phantom Horsewoman of the Opera
27. It Came from Beneath the Sea Rose
28. The Night of the Demon is Darkening Around Me
29. What Are Years of the Comet?
30. The Crawling Hands of Time
31. Coy Mistress of the World
32. The Mummy Will Fuck You Up