Upon Leaving my Labyrinth
Summer outside. You are noble gorgeous
Theseus and I am. You are filled resplendent
with all the glory strength of Athens and I
am. Minoan sun blue like I’ve never seen.
Waves and water blinding heaping light
amnesia and the width of your arm the sand.
Flowery. You are heartstrong hourglass
noble Theseus you carry me like something
willless sunburned. There’s something
softly sanguine in submitting. You
are Theseus noble soft expansive
whimsical I am asking hero will your
great ocean body hold me like this
buoyant. Will you hold me let me
lose what I’ve been what I’m waiting.
Small. Theseus. Power only in you only
in those dimples made benevolent. Something
deep safe to lose myself. Theseus look I.
I know you’re only. I know mortality
vulnerable soullost I know we’re all
like me look. I know. I’ve been asking
for God Goddess mother savior I can see
how selfish God don’t you think I.
I grew up reading books where knights
white horses princess towers. & I.
I know it’s selfish but I’m asking
carry save me, simple heartsmall
summer blackboy that I am. I know
you want to be a God so please just
can you. Leave me buoyed Godheld guiltless
found for fucking once. Theseus.
Today lover please will you act my
archetypal Goddess will you let me
selfish lovely yours. Lover on this
open sunspun beach let me. Can I
for this minute stop existing in your.