No. 39 Summer 2022

Bruce Beasley Will

Want; don’t.
Wouldn’t, did, as spume’s
throughswell into slabs’
looseheaped jetty fissures.

Must; can’t.
Oughtn’t; will, as a breakwater’s
broken granites
enable a tidepool’s
agitated self-protectiveness,
crouch under crash.

Wall; will.
Stall; call, as surge-shake
and downheave
let flow over seariven pilestone.

Strove-for; staved-
off. Spurn; gush, as
the stasis of the isolate’s
reviolable harbor, swabscrub
cove to runnel’s inrush
bruntslosh into seawall groyne.

Hinder; enter. In-
hibit; inhabit, as
seaload’s sandblast
occupies and redefines
tide pool’s hesitant and semipaused
saltwater glint and noon-sun

Guarded; God-
smite and billow-spew
into breaker-sheltered
refuge; poised; O-
ppose our sopor
and our hankering.
Languor; lust. Urge; urn.
Refuse; re-fuse, as in
unbreach and smash-merge back together
shelter and welter, haven;
haven, Lord, shelter us, and heave.

Bruce Beasley is the author of nine collections of poems, including most recently Theophobia (BOA Editions) and Prayershreds, forthcoming in early 2023 from Orison Books. His other recent poems appear in Kenyon Review, Agni, Gettysburg Review, and other journals.