Want; don’t.
Wouldn’t, did, as spume’s
throughswell into slabs’
looseheaped jetty fissures.
Must; can’t.
Oughtn’t; will, as a breakwater’s
broken granites
enable a tidepool’s
agitated self-protectiveness,
crouch under crash.
Wall; will.
Stall; call, as surge-shake
and downheave
let flow over seariven pilestone.
Strove-for; staved-
off. Spurn; gush, as
the stasis of the isolate’s
reviolable harbor, swabscrub
cove to runnel’s inrush
bruntslosh into seawall groyne.
Hinder; enter. In-
hibit; inhabit, as
seaload’s sandblast
occupies and redefines
tide pool’s hesitant and semipaused
saltwater glint and noon-sun
Guarded; God-
smite and billow-spew
into breaker-sheltered
refuge; poised; O-
ppose our sopor
and our hankering.
Languor; lust. Urge; urn.
Refuse; re-fuse, as in
unbreach and smash-merge back together
shelter and welter, haven;
haven, Lord, shelter us, and heave.