16.2 Winter 2018

Amit Majmudar Rigidity

          The spider
knows the window
          screen he picks

his way
          across is nowhere
he could live.

          These cables
(clearly strung
          by someone

          able) hold
no hunger,

          no tremble,
no spit,
          no give.

No gnat
          or midge, though
sure to

short at this
          grid, would ever

feel that sticky

          that gets
the killing

The legs that climb
          these lines

          how a brilliant
& distant
          & orderly

mind, by falling
          head over

          in love
with spinning,

          why webs
are spun.

Amit Majmudar’s latest book is Godsong: A Verse Translation of the Bhagavad-Gita, with Commentary (Knopf, 2018). Two novels, Sitayana and Soar, are forthcoming in India from Penguin Random House India in 2019, as well as a poetry collection in the United States, Kill List (Knopf, 2020).