Christopher Kondrich

Christopher Kondrich is the author of Valuing (University of Georgia Press, 2019), selected by Jericho Brown as a winner of the National Poetry Series and by Library Journal as a Best Poetry Book of 2019, and the book-length poem Contrapuntal (Free Verse Editions, 2013). Valuing was also named as a finalist for The Believer Book Award. His poetry has won the Iowa Review Award, the Paris-American Reading Series Prize, and three Pushcart Prize nominations. New poems and essays appear or are forthcoming in the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, The Believer, Bennington Review, Crazyhorse, Kenyon Review, and Poetry Northwest. The recipient of fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, the Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts, and the I-Park Foundation, Kondrich received an MFA from Columbia University’s School of the Arts and a PhD in English & Literary Arts from the University of Denver. He has taught creative writing and literature at the University of Denver and Bard College, as well as the Lighthouse Writers Workshop and Frequency Writers. He lives and teaches in Maryland.