17.1 Summer 2019
Catherine Pierce
Claire Wahmanholm
The Valley
In a Land Where Everything Is Already Trying to Kill Me, I Enter a New Phase of My Life in Which It Would Be Very Bad If I Died
Caylin Capra-Thomas
Voice of the Woods on Fire
Eric Tran
Starting with a Line by Frank Ocean Interviewing Timothee Chalamet
Call the Mouth
Clare Eder
A Response
D. M. Spratley
What She Wore
Each Morning an Animal
Todd Boss
Everything I Have Has Humps and Hooves
The Mind Will Wander
Donald Platt
Child’s Riddle
Rebecca Morgan Frank
Automaton Angels
Ode to the Water Thief
Caki Wilkinson
Natural Wonders
Obstinate Gospel
Graham Barnhart
Survival and Evasion
Informant [Name Redacted]
Gregory Fraser
The Sympathizer’s Song
Confession the First
Erin O’Luanaigh
A Childhood Illness
Gary McDowell
The Itch
Taneum Bambrick
After Picasso’s “Head of a Woman”
Christopher Hewitt
Reflections: Dallas
Wind on Market Street
Kristin Robertson
Wind Chime
Beth Gylys
Soldier Heart
The Disappeared of Lake Lanier
Christina Hutchins
Night Mail
Kathleen McGookey
Another Lullaby
Dan Albergotti
The Elect
32 Hairstyles for Poets, a list by Emily Skaja and Marcus Wicker